Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Seriously, the snow has to STOP!

It's snowing again today in Anchorage. So much for global warming, eh? Maybe somebody upstairs forgot that April is for Spring Showers, not Snow Showers! Snow is for WINTER and winter is OVER! It's especially painful since we had this little tease of "spring" a few weeks ago--enough of a tease to fool me!!

Avery & I went to our favorite Tuesday activity, Tinker Time at the Museum of Natural History, and since the sun was shining, I said ok when she refused her coat! This month, the topic is weather and today's topic was April Showers. We came out and it was snowing! Yet another moment in great parenting. I think I made up for it by suggesting that we catch snowflakes on our tongues! ;-)

I feel like I'm operating with one hand tied behind my back or something... My camera's in the shop, so I can't take any pictures! (You know I'm an addict!) And the picture-messaging feature of a certain unnamed mobile phone network is broken, so I can't transfer pictures from my phone to the computer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Baby! Can't wait for summer...won't it be so nice to hang out, play at the museum with the girls, and just enjoy the relaxed pace of not having to work? Wait! You enjoy that already! HA!

I have cute pictures of the girls from last Sunday for you...maybe that'll help with your withdrawls...